Tuesday 19 February 2013

Posted by Prasad KM | 01:17 Categories:
Sql Performance Tuning

In this white paper, we will review some of the more common SQL problems; however, there are many more SQL performance tips beyond whats described in this paper. Also just like all guidelines, each of these have some notable exceptions.

1.   Verify that the appropriate statistics are provided  
The most important resource to the DB2 optimizer, other than the SELECT statement itself, is the statistics found within the DB2 catalog. The optimizer uses these statistics to base many of its decisions. The main reason the DB2 optimizer may choose a non-optimal access path for a query is due to either invalid or missing the statistics. The DB2 optimizer uses the following catalog statistics:

DB2 Catalog Table
Columns considered by optimizer





























Figure 2:  Columns  recognized by the DB2 optimizer and used to determine  the access path

Often, executing the RUNSTATS command (which is used to update the DB2 catalog statistics) gets overlooked, particularly in a busy production environment. To minimize the impact of executing the RUNSTATS command, consider using the sampling technique. Sampling with even as little as 10% is ample. In addition to the statistics updated by the RUNSTATS command, DB2 gives you the ability to update an additional 1,000 entries for non-uniform distribution statistics. Beware that each entry added increases BIND time for all queries referencing that column.

How do you know if you are missing the statistics? You can manually execute queries against the catalog or use tools that provide this functionality. Currently, the DB2 optimizer does not externalize warnings for missing the statistics.

2.    Promote Stage 2 & Stage 1 Predicates  if Possible  
 Either the Stage 1 Data Manager or the Stage 2 Relational Data Server will process every query. There are tremendous performance benefits to be gained when your query can be processed as Stage 1 rather than Stage 2. The predicates used to qualify your query will determine whether your query can be processed in Stage 1. In addition, each predicate is

evaluated to determine whether that predicate is eligible for index access. There are some predicates that can never be processed as Stage 1 or never eligible for an index. Its important
to understand if your query is indexable and can be processed as Stage 1. The following are the documented Stage 1 or Sargable predicates:

Figure 3:  Table used to determine  predicate  eligibility

There are a few more predicates that are not documented as Stage 1, because they are not always Stage 1. Join table sequence and query rewrite can also affect which stage a predicate can be filtered. Lets examine some example queries to see the effect of rewriting your SQL.

Example 1: Value BETWEEN COL1 AND COL1
Any predicate type that is not identified as Stage 1 is Stage 2. This predicate as written is a
Stage 2 predicate. However, a rewrite can promote this query to Indexable Stage 1.

Value >= COL1 AND value <= COL2

This means that the optimizer may choose to use the predicates in a matching index access against multiple indexes. Without the rewrite, the predicate remains as Stage 2.


Example 2: COL3 NOT IN (K,S,T)
Non-indexable Stage 1 predicates should also be rewritten, if possible. For example, the above condition is Stage 1, but not indexable. The list of values in parentheses identifies what COL3 cannot be equal to.  To determine the feasibility of the rewrite, identify the list of what COL3 can be equal to. The longer and more volatile the list, the less feasible this is. If the opposite of
(K, S, T) is less than 200 fairly static values, the rewrite is worth the extra typing. This
promotes the Stage 1 condition to Indexable Stage 1, which provides the optimizer with another matching index choice. Even if a supporting index is not available at BIND time, the rewrite will ensure the query will be eligible for index access, should an index be created in the future. Once an index is created that incorporates COL3, a rebind of the transaction may possibly gain matching index access, where the old predicate would have no impact on rebind.

3.   SELECT only the columns needed
Every column that is selected has to be individually handed back to the calling program, unless there is a precise match to the entire DCLGEN definition. This may lean you towards requesting all columns, however, the real harm occurs when a sort is required. Every SELECTed column, with the sorting columns repeated, makes up the width of the sort work file wider. The wider and longer the file, the slower the sort is. For example, 100,000 four-byte rows can be sorted in approximately one second.  Only 10,000 fifty-byte rows can be sorted in the same time. Actual times will vary depending on hardware.

The exception to the rule, “Disallow SELECT *”, would be when several processes require different parts of a table’s row. By combining the transactions, the whole row is retrieved once, and then the parts are uniquely processed.

4.   SELECT only the rows needed
The less rows retrieved, the faster the query will run.  Each qualifying row has to make it through the long journey from storage, through the buffer pool, Stage 1, Stage 2, possible sort and translations, and then deliver the result set to the calling program. The database manager should do all data filtering; it is very wasteful to retrieve a row, test that row in the program code and then filter out that row.  Disallowing program filtering is a hard rule to enforce. Developers can choose to use program code to perform all or some data manipulation or they
can choose SQL. Typically there is a mix. The tell tale sign that filtering can be pushed into the
DB2 engine is a program code resembling:


5.  Use constants and literals  if the values will not change in the next 3 years (for static queries)
The DB2 Optimizer has the full use of all the non-uniform distribution statistics, and the various domain range values for any column statistics provided when no host variables are
detected in a predicate, (WHERE COL5 > ‘X). The purpose of a host variable is to make a transaction adaptable to a changing variable; this is most often used when a user is required to enter this value. A host variable eliminates the need to rebind a program each time this variable changes. This extensibility comes at a cost of the optimizer accuracy. As soon as host
variables are detected, (WHERE COL5 > :hv5), the optimizer uses the following chart to

estimate the filter factors, instead of using the catalog statistics:

>, >=
>= 1,000,000
>= 100,000
>= 10,000
>= 1,000
>= 100
>= 0

Figure 4:  Filter Factors

The higher the cardinality of the column, the lower the predicated filter factor (fraction of rows predicted to remain). Most of the time the estimate leans the optimizer towards an appropriate access path.  Sometimes, however, the predicated filter factor is far from reality. This is when access path tuning is usually necessary.

6.  Make numeric  and date data types match
Stage 1 processing has been very strict in prior releases about processing predicate compares where the datatype lengths vary. Prior to DB2 v7, this mismatch led to the predicate being demoted to stage 2 processing. However, a new feature in DB2 v7 allows numeric datatypes to be manually cast to avoid this stage 2 demotion.


If both columns are indexed, cast the column belonging to the larger result set. If only one column is indexed, cast the partner. A rebind is necessary to receive the promotion to Stage 1.

Tip #7:  Sequence filtering from most restrictive to least restrictive by table, by predicate  type
When writing a SQL statement with multiple predicates, determine the predicate that will filter out the most data from the result set and place that predicate at the start of the list. By
sequencing your predicates in this manner, the subsequent predicates will have less data to

The DB2 optimizer by default will categorize your predicate and process that predicate in the condition order listed below. However, if your query presents multiple predicates that fall into the same category, these predicates will be executed in the order that they are written. This is why it is important to sequence your predicates, placing the predicate with the most filtering at the top of the sequence.  Eventually query rewrite will take care of this in future releases, but today this is something to be aware of when writing your queries.

Stage 1 and Indexable

=, IN (Single Value)

Range conditions


Noncorrelated subqueries
Stage 1 and On Index (index


=, IN (Single Value)

Range conditions

Stage 1 on data page rows that are

ineligible for prior categories

=, IN (Single Vlaue)

Range conditions

Stage 2 on either index or data that

are ineligible for prior categories

=, IN (Single Value)

Range conditions


Noncorrelated subqueries

Correlated subqueries

Figure 5:  Predicate Filtering Sequence

The order of predicate filtering is mainly dependent on the join sequence, join method, and index selection. The order the predicates physically appear in the statement only come into play when there is a tie with one of the above listed categories. For example, the following statement has a tie in the category range conditions:

WHERE         A.COL2 = ‘abracadabra’ AND   A.COL4 > 999
AND   A.COL3 > :hvcol3

The most restrictive condition should be listed first, so that extra processing of the second condition can be eliminated.

8. Prune SELECT lists
Every column that is SELECTed consumes resources for processing. There are several areas that can be examined to determine if column selection is really necessary.

Example 1:

If a SELECT contains a predicate where a column is equal to one value, that column should not have to be retrieved for each row, the value will always be ‘X’.

DB2 no longer requires selection of a column simply to do a sort. Therefore in this example, COLC does not require selection if the end user does not need that value. Remove items from the SELECT list to prevent unnecessary processing. It is no longer required to SELECT columns used in the ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses.

9.  Limit Result Sets with Known Ends
The FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY clause should be used if there are a known, maximum number of rows that will be FETCHed from a result set. This clause limits the number of rows returned from a result set by invoking a fast implicit close. Pages are quickly released in the buffer pool when the nth result row has been processed. The OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS clause does not invoke a fast implicit close and will keep locking and fetching until the cursor is implicitly or explicitly closed.  In contrast, FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY will not allow the n+1 row to be FETCHed and results in an SQLCODE = 100. Both clauses optimize the same
if n is the same.

Existence checking should be handled using:

INTO :hv1
WHERE ….. existence check …. FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY

10.  Analyze and Tune Access Paths
Use EXPLAIN or tools that interpret EXPLAIN output, to verify that the access path is appropriate for the required processing. Check the access path of the each query by binding against production statistics in a production–like subsystem.   Bufferpool, RID pool, sort pool, and LOCKMAX thresholds should also resemble the production environment. Oversized RID pools in the test environment will mask RID pool failures in production.  RID pool failures can occur during List Prefetch, Multiple Index Access, and Hybrid Join Type N access paths. RID pool failures result in a full table scan.

Tune queries using a technique that will withstand future smarter optimization and query rewrite.  Typical query tuning may include using one or more of the following techniques:

–No Operation (+0, -0, /1, *1, CONCAT ‘ ‘)
–ON 1=1
–Bogus Predicates
–Table expressions with DISTINCT
–Index Optimization

All these techniques impact access path selection. Compare estimated costs of multiple scenarios to verify the success of the tuning effort.

The goal of a tuning effort should be refined access paths and optimized index design. This is an ongoing task that should be proactively initiated when any of the following occur:

   Increases in the number of DB2 objects
   Fluctuations in the size of DB2 objects
   Increases in the use of dynamic SQL
   Fluctuations of transaction rates

The Solution
Quest Central for DB2 is an integrated console providing core functionality a DBA needs to perform their daily tasks of Database Administration, Space Management, SQL Tuning and Analysis, and Performance Diagnostic Monitoring.  Quest Central for DB2 was written by DB2 software experts and provides rich functionality utilizing a graphical user interface. The product supports DB2 databases running on the mainframe, Unix, Linux, and Windows. No
longer are DB2 customers required to maintain and utilize separate tools for their mainframe
and distributed DB2 systems.

The SQL Tuning component of Quest Central provides the most complete SQL tuning environment for DB2 on the market. This environment consists of:

1.   Tuning Lab a facility where a single SQL statement can be modified multiple times, through use of scenarios. These scenarios can then be compared to immediately determine which SQL statement provided the most efficient access path.
2.   Compare immediately see the effect your modifications have on the performance of your SQL. By comparing multiple scenarios, you can see the effect on the CPU, elapsed time, I/O and many more statistics. Additionally, a compare of the data will ensure your SQL statement is returning the same subset of data.
3.   Advice the advice provided by the SQL tuning component will detect all of the conditions specified in this white paper and more. In addition, the SQL Tuning component will even rewrite the SQL if applicable into a new scenario, incorporating the advice chosen.
4.   Access Path and Associated Statistics All statistics applicable to the DB2 access path are displayed, in context to the SQL. This takes the guesswork out of trying to
understand why a particular access plan was chosen.

Quest Central for DB2’s robust functionality can detect the above SQL tuning tips and many more. The remainder of this white paper will demonstrate the strength and in-depth knowledge built right into Quest Central to enhance not only your SQL, but assist with overall database performance. Each tuning tip described above is contained right within Quest Central.


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